Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 7: Create Articles in the Application

Created article with the Stateless Code logo

This is the 7th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike adds tests and implements the create and new methods for the Article resource, allowing for the creation of an Article record via the application. Following the guide, he first implements create with hardcoded values for the title and body attributes, then implements the new action with the form_with helper. After both of those are created, he uses strong parameters and wires up the form to create Article records dynamically.

This video covers:

  • 00:00:10 Introduction
  • 00:02:32 Add POST create test to ArticlesControllerTest
  • 00:04:14 Add create action to ArticlesController and modify to make the test pass
  • 00:06:27 Talk through guide explanation of the new action instantiating an instance of Article and create actually saving to the database
  • 00:08:24 Invoke the create action from curl. Note: In the video we temporarily disable verify_authenticity_token in our local to demonstrate quickly. DO NOT do this in a real app!
  • 00:11:21 Redirect vs. render in the create action
  • 00:13:30 Write failing test for new action
  • 00:15:16 Create the new action in the controller
  • 00:16:06 Create blank new.html.erb. Test now failing instead of erroring
  • 00:16:50 Review the new form builder and form_with method and add to view template
  • 00:19:37 Look at the new action in the app. Test passing but create action still hardcoded
  • 00:20:40 The requirement for strong parameters to allow only the attributes you specify
  • 00:22:12 Modify the ArticlesControllerTest to use parameters
  • 00:23:50 Add article_params private method to ArticlesController
  • 00:25:32 Tests are passing. Create works in the application!
  • 00:28:16 Commit and push the code

The code for this series is open source and available on GitHub. View the commit for this video here.

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