This is the 12th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike uses the Rails model generator to generate a model for comments on articles. He reviews the generated code, tweaks a couple of associations, customizes the fixtures, adds a nested route for comments. At the end, he re-runs the test suite and fixes a newly failing test due to the foreign key constraint in the comments table.
This video covers:
- 00:00:10 Introduction
- 00:02:13 Generate the Comment model in the terminal and review
- 00:03:29 Review and modify the fixture to be more interesting and have referential integrity
- 00:05:56 Review and run the migration and changes to schema.rb
- 00:08:21 Review associations and add has_many to Article model
- 00:11:31 Add a nested resource for comments to routes file and review
- 00:14:34 Show what would happen if comments resource was not nested and then revert
- 00:16:04 Add dependent: :destroy to has_many association to fix foreign key constraint test failure
- 00:19:07 Review, commit, and push
The code for this series is open source and available on GitHub. View the commit for this video here.