Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 28: Retrospective for the Series
At regular intervals, the team (even a team of one) reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly… This is the 28th video video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike reviews the video series and looks for opportunities to continuously improve. Theme: ClueMediocre…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 27: Add a Stimulus Controller for Client-Side Interaction
This is the 27th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike adds an element with a Stimulus controller to allow for client-side interactions in the web application. Stimulus comes prepackaged in a new Rails application by default and integrates well with the “Rails Way” of building an application. Because…
Ruby on Rails 7 is Out!
On December 15, 2021 Ruby on Rails released version 7.0.0 of its web application framework. However, this came out earlier than I anticipated, so I have re-prioritized everything at Stateless Code to get the new Getting Started With Rails 7 series published as quickly as possible. Now is the Time to Learn Ruby on Rails…
Codecast: Install NVM and Yarn in Ubuntu 20.04
In this setup and configuration codecast, Mike installs NVM and Yarn version 1.22 on Ubuntu 20-04. This video covers: 0:01:00 – Review Yarn on the website and choose Yarn classic 0:02:11 – Attempt to install Yarn with NPM as a global package and encounter EACCES error and troubleshoot with the NPM docs 0:03:33 – Install…
Codecast: Install NodeJS 14 Ubuntu 20.04
In this setup and configuration codecast, Mike installs NodeJS version 14.x on Ubuntu 20-04. This video covers: 0:01:56 – Reviewing an existing sources list file 0:03:48 – Adding the current version of Node 14.x setup from deb.nodesource.com 0:04:22 – Adding the nodesource GPG key 0:04:37 – Ensuring that the package sources are updated 0:04:50 -Installing…