Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 26: Fix Rich Text Fixtures and Validations
This is the 26th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike fixes some errors from the Use ActionText for Rich Text Content video (episode 24). The two main fixes are This video covers: The code for this series is open source and available on GitHub. View the commit for…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 17: Refactor Tests
This is the 17th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike refactors the existing tests to move shared tests between models to a helper module that both test classes include. In addition, he creates a method to test that all fixtures are valid for each model. After that, he…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 2: Setup Git and Create the First Controller
This is the 2nd video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike sets up Git with the GitHub remote, creates the initial commit, generates the ArticlesController, configures routing and writes the first test for the application. This video covers: 00:00:10 Introduction 00:00:39 Create initial commit and push to remote before…