Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 1: Install, Create Project, and Start Server
Ruby on Rails 7 is out! This is the 1st video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike provides an introduction and overview of Ruby on Rails, installs Rails 7 (and temporarily disables Node to show it’s no longer a default dependency), creates the example blog project, explores the directory…
Codecast: Install Rails 6, PostgreSQL 13, MariaDB 10.5
In this codecast, Mike installs Rails 6.1, PostgreSQL 13 and MariaDB 10.5 on Ubuntu 20-04. See the previous videos in the setup and configuration series for installing Rails dependencies: Ruby Node Yarn 0:00:10 – Install Rails 0:03:52 – Install PostgreSQL 13 Add the PPA Add the GPG key Update the sources Install PostgreSQL Verify running…
Codecast: Install NVM and Yarn in Ubuntu 20.04
In this setup and configuration codecast, Mike installs NVM and Yarn version 1.22 on Ubuntu 20-04. This video covers: 0:01:00 – Review Yarn on the website and choose Yarn classic 0:02:11 – Attempt to install Yarn with NPM as a global package and encounter EACCES error and troubleshoot with the NPM docs 0:03:33 – Install…