This is the first video in a series on contributing to Rails. In this video, Mike demonstrates an issue in Rails that can be fixed and identifies the offending portion of code in the Rails codebase that needs to be fixed. In this case, the problem is a Rails test generator that does not have proper agreement for scaffolds that start with a vowel sound.
This video covers:
- 00:00:10 Introduction
- 00:00:34 Create new Rails app to demonstrate the issue that we’re going to fix
- 00:02:04 Generate a scaffold for a resource named Author
- 00:02:36 Open project in Visual Studio Code and navigate to the offending system test
- 00:03:54 Discussion of possible solution alternatives
- 00:05:00 Demonstration of normal Rails ActiveSupport inflection and where it lives in the Rails GitHub repository
- 00:08:07 Location of the generator we want to fix
- 00:09:14 Plan for the next video