Category: NerdDice

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 08: Using GitHub issues as a backlog

    This is the 8th video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike starts using the GitHub issues section as an agile backlog for the project, including using labels to identify the type of issue and creating your own labels. Shout out: See Scrum of One for more on how you can…

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 07: Post-release housekeeping

    This is the 7th video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike performs a number of post-release tasks and minor fixes. Changes include: Fix the broken CHANGELOG link in the gemspec Check out a new branch to track changes to 0.1.x Add the checksums of 0.1.0 to the repository Create a…

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 06: Release the Gem!

    Smithers, release the gem! This is the 6th video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike signs, tests, and installs the gem locally and the pubilshes the initial version to RubyGems. The instructions followed in this video can be found in the security and publishing guides. This video includes: 00:00:10 Introduction…

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 05: Prepare for the Initial Release

    This is the 5th video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike makes a bunch of small changes to get the gem ready to publish. Changes include: Fixing some of the RuboCop offenses Adding some commenting to the code Updating the CHANGELOG Adding development dependencies to the gemspec Updating the README…

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 04: Implement the First Method

    This is the 4th video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike uses test-driven development to implement the first real method of the gem.

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 03: Set up RuboCop and flesh out the README

    This is the 3rd video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike configures RuboCop for the NerdDice project (see the Codecast: Rubocop install and initial setup video for more) and adapts it to his project from his home folder, configuring the .rubocop.yml file and fixes some of the offenses. After that…

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 02: Configure the gemspec

    This is the 2nd video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike follows along with the documentation from RubyGems to configure the .gemspec file of the nerd_dice gem, installs development dependencies, adds a CHANGELOG, and gets the gem up and running well enough to execute bin/console.

  • Codecast: Create a RubyGem 01: Bundle the Gem

    This is the 1st video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike reviews the documentation from RubyGems and Bundler before using Bundler to bundle the gem. Then he explores the tree directory of the bundled gem and reviews the gemspec before publishing the initial commit.