This is the 23rd video in the NerdDice create a RubyGem series. In this video, Mike puts the finishing touches on version 0.2.0, ensures the CHANGELOG is up-to-date, updates dependencies, and handles the build, push, and tag of the gem.
This video covers:
- 00:00:12 Introduction
- 00:00:48 Troubleshoot bundling the gem. Use gem build instead of bundle gem
- 00:03:28 Check the size of the assets folder and how it affects the size of the built gem. Remove files from gem and Git repositiory
- 00:04:18 Check versions of dependencies, updating as needed
- 00:09:16 Update Rubocop configuration and fix new offenses
- 00:13:34 Review CHANGELOG and README. Update CHANGELOG for release
- 00:15:52 Review changes and commit code
- 00:17:10 Review build and release steps taken
- 00:17:56 Tag the release commit in the command line
- 00:18:36 Get the release to show up properly on GitHub by clicking on the tree dots on the tag and choosing create release, and publish
- 00:20:38 Update the checksums in the repo