Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 25: Set Up a Comments Mailer
This is the 25th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike generates and implements a mailer that sends an email when a comment is created or destroyed and works through testing the mailer and making sure it doesn’t break the browser tests. There are a couple of “gotchas” illustrated…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 24: Use ActionText for Rich Text Content
This is the 24th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike installs Rails ActionText. By default, this uses the Trix editor and Rails ActiveStorage to allow for “what I see is what I get” (WISIWIG) editing and display of a field. Mike installs the prerequisites, installs ActionText, and runs…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 23: Add Styles from CDNs to Improve Design
This is the 23rd video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike adds in the Simple.css and Animate.css frameworks by adding Content Distribution Network (CDN) links to the stylesheets of the application.html.erb layout. After he adds the stylesheets to the application layout, he also changes the root route of the…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 22: Broadcast Comment Changes to the Article with Turbo
This is the 22nd video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike uses Turbo Streams from the Hotwire front-end framework (included by default in new Rails applications) to broadcast changes (create, update, destroy) to the collection of comments for an article in real-time. In order for the Turbo broadcast to…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 18: Destroy Comments with Turbo
This is the 18th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike adds the ability to delete comments. Similar to article deletion, he needs to make sure the Turbo confirm and :see_other status are configured correctly. In order to test this he uses browser-driven Rails system tests. This video covers:…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 14: Refactor into Comment Partials
This is the 14th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike starts section 9 of the Getting Started guide on refactoring. He makes use of the previously introduced concept of partials to refactor the comment display and the comment form into partials that the articles show view renders. This…
Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 13: Create Comments for an Article
This is the 13th video in the Getting Started with Rails 7 series. In this video Mike generates the CommentsController and adds a nested resource form to the articles show view. Then he updates the app with functionality for creating and displaying comments. This video covers: The code for this series is open source and…
Codecast: Getting Started with Rails 7 Episode 11: Use a Scaffold Generator to Quickly Produce a Resource
“Do you mean to tell me that we could have done all the work from the previous ten videos in half an hour?!” Yes. (But the purpose of the Getting Started with Rails guide is education, so it slowed things down, added them in incrementally, and explained them.) This is the 11th video in the…